Event Tracking
Stephen Walker
Please add event tracking. Cabin does this in an easy fashion, and this would be a great addition. (see https://docs.withcabin.com/events.html)
Lee Busch
If it's not documented, it doesn't exist. How can I track clicks now? I need to be able to track and compare/rank buttons and link clicks.
Team AnalyticsWP
Team AnalyticsWP
AnalyticsWP already has this. It's had this built in since day 1, but we don't yet have public documentation.
AnalyticsWP.pageview() and AnalyticsWP.event('event-name', {properties: 'here'}) both work now.
But, it's still subject to change. We'll eventually have world class developer documentation and tooling around this, trust!
Peter Michael
Team AnalyticsWP documentation would be highly appreciated. Also would be awesome if one could set certain API calls that these events can trigger. E.g.: event happening and call to Meta CAPI goes out without having to use GTM, Stape or something else.
Team AnalyticsWP Great! It works like a charm!
Could you please mark journeys with custom events using a distinct color, similar to how it's done for WooCommerce? Perhaps a violet color, like the one used when viewing journey details?
It seems like a quick feature to implement, and it would be incredibly helpful, especially for Breakdance users. AnalyticsWP already tracks form events, but they aren't easily visible in the journeys section.